Romanticism 2.0 – A Journey into the Fairy-Tale Paradise Worlds of Katrin Kampmann
Saturday, 23 November 2024
by elke
Her art is multifaceted. And this is meant literally when it comes to Katrin Kampmann. Whether in her vibrant, expressive paintings, her installations, the mysteriously alluring paper works, or her current stop-motion film, which introduces language as a new layer through her dialogue with Benno Fürmann – it is always a multitude of overlapping narratives that invite a gradual immersion. What exactly is being told? And how much of Katrin Kampmann is in her work? With these questions in mind, I set off for Prenzlauer Berg ... (to read more tap on image)
- Published in Graphics, Mulitimedia, Painting, Studio visits
Tagged under:
Benno Fürmann, Berlin, Film, Grafik, Graphic, Installation Art, Installationskunst, Katrin Kampmann, Malerei, Painting, Romanticism 2.0, Romantik 2.0
Aurel Dahlgrün – In the depths of photography
Sunday, 16 February 2020
by tom-admin
Düsseldorf. Habe ich mich vielleicht in eine benachbarte Druckwerkstatt verirrt? Ich sehe mich um und entdecke in der mehr mit professionellem Gerät als mit Kunst bestückten Halle die großflächigen Spiegel, die mir als Teil der Installation Irgendwo im Tiefenrausch im Düsseldorfer Museum Kunstpalast in Erinnerung sind. Ich bin also doch richtig. Es ist das Atelier von Aurel Dahlgrün ...
- Published in Installation Art, Newcomer, Photography, Sculpture, Studio visits